Women turning left – with Andrew Bolt on Sky News.

Bettina talks on Sky News about why women are deserting conservative parties due to indoctrination at university promoting left wing views and career/job choices which support rather than challenge left-wing beliefs.


If you would like to support Bettina’s videos please go to her website for links showing how you can do this: Website: http://www.bettinaarndt.com.au/

Sign up for Bettina’s free blogs at: Substack: https://bettinaarndt.substack.com/

Website: https://www.bettinaarndt.com.au/

All Bettina’s new videos and a selection of her favourites are now on: rumble: https://rumble.com/c/BettinArndt

For Bettina’s latest book – #MenToo go to: https://www.bettinaarndt.com.au/books

Also follow Bettina’s work with the Mothers of Sons group: Mothers of Sons website: http://www.mothersofsons.info
MOS Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/MothersOfSonsMOS

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