Domestic Violence

Bettina has long been speaking out about the way domestic violence is being promoted in this country. The notion that family violence is all about men terrorizing women is a gross distortion of the true picture.

Over 1700 articles in peer-reviewed journals conclude domestic violence is not a gender issue – both women and men are actively involved in most violence in the home, women often initiate violence and it isn’t simply self-defence.

Most children growing up in violent homes are cowering not just from their fathers but their mothers as well – Australian data clearly shows women are the major abusers of children. Current public discussion of this issue is teaching children that only Dad’s violence matters. Surely this does nothing to break the cycle of violence putting future generations at risk.

It is very rare that magistrates and judges speak out about how our current system of AVO’s is threatening Australia’s normal legal protections and assumptions of fair treatment under the law. But WA Law Reform Commissioner Augusto Zimmermann is an exception. This brave man has been fighting a mighty battle against new domestic violence laws in Western Australia. Read some of his articles – in Quadrant magazine and the Weekend Australian.

Here’s some of Bettina’s recent blogs about domestic violence:

Read Bettina’s newspaper articles putting the record straight about this important social issue:

See Bettina’s YouTube videos about domestic violence:


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