
During her long history of writing for most of Australia’s newspapers and magazines, many articles written by Bettina highlighted critical social issues of the time. Here’s a selection of columns and features that our former Prime Minister, John Howard, would have called, ‘barbeque stoppers’ – stories that set the tongues wagging.

Here is Bettina’s most significant recent article:

The Domestic Violence Industry

This article tells the truth about domestic violence which is something many people choose not to hear. It has been widely circulated on social media, leading to a relationship counsellor being pushed out of his job and a police officer being reprimanded. Here are the real statistics about domestic violence in Australia. Read the full story

The Politics of Cleavage.

Everywhere you look, women are stepping out dressed provocatively but bristling if the wrong man shows he enjoys the display. And men – well, they are in a total state of confusion. Read the full story.
Bettina suggests you look at this video clip before reading the article.

The Columbia Mattress Girl.

How the campus rape scare campaign led to thousands of young men being wrongly accused and thrown out of American colleges. Read the full story

“You’ve been McIntoshed”.

How Australian research was used to deprive fathers across the world of overnight care of infants and toddlers. Read the full story

Marriage a dud deal for men.

Welcome to the world of modern marriage – a world where men’s needs, wants and desires don’t always feature highly on the agenda. Women’s lives and marriages have been transformed, but now many men are wondering if they may be the ones being offered a dud deal. Read the full story

Men in trouble over sex.

Men are constantly in trouble – for not keeping their trousers zipped, for groping and harassing women. Men are caught out looking at pornography, or gazing at women in the wrong way. But what we never hear about is men’s restraint, the remarkable stoicism of current generations of heterosexual men who cop it sweet, despite their immense frustrations. Read the full story

The Vagina Dialogues.

There are huge numbers of women searching the country for help with “things that go wrong down there”. That’s the phrase women sometimes use to refer to problems in the vagina and vulva which cause so many of them extreme pain and embarrassment. Now, finally, the medical profession is waking up to their plight. Read the full story

Why women lose out in the dating game.

Today’s unmarried twentysomething women have given men an ultimatum: I’ll marry when I’m ready, take it or leave it. This is, of course, their right. But ultimatums are a risky thing, because there is always a possibility the other side will decide to leave it. Read the full story

Desperate and Dateless – Broke Older Divorced Men.

Older single men are supposed to be in a buyer’s market but these men are shunned when late divorce wipes out assets. Read the full story

Single mothers – society’s new heroines.

Most young women believe fathers are incidental to the task of raising children. How will boys raised by single mothers aspire to the role of family man, valued for their contribution to their children?. Read the full story.

Here’s a collection of articles covering a range of different topics


Growing sex drought for men. Read the full story
Doctors fail prostate cancer sufferers. Read the full story.
Cheating on the kids – children and parental affairs. Read the full story.
Double standards for Mummy Porn – why her porn is good and his bad. Read the full story.
The sex starved wives – and the men who have the headaches. Read the full story.

Online Dating

Desperate and dateless – broke older divorced men.  Read the full story.


Unhappily ever after – is divorce better for kids than a bad marriage? Read the full story.

Family law – three part series on how family law failed children and their fathers:
I want my daddy. Read the full story.
Court in the act. Read the full story.
Truce. Read the full story.


Mother and work – the cost to children of mother’s professional success. Read the full story.
Baby, its time – why cohabitation means some women miss out on having children. Read the full story.
Walkaway Wives – now its older women who are on the move. Read the full story.
Why women earn less than men – discrimination is only part of the story. Read the full story.


Whose sperm is it, anyway? – Men deceived into fatherhood. Read the full story.
Children of a lesser dad – the rise of the sperm father. Read full story.
Marginal men – low income, unwanted men. Read the full story.

Marriage and Family

Unwise counsel – when marriage counselling is bad for your marriage. Read the full story.
The new wimp mother-in-law – why she lives on eggshells. Read the full story.


Reject gag on euthanasia debate. Read the full story.
A better end must be part of palliative care. Read the full story.


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