Caitlin Keogh shows her hand

Have a look at this charming creature. This is Caitlin Keogh, Women’s Officer at UNSW – pictured here abusing me at my Sydney Uni protest. You can see her in action here.

This young lady traveled to Sydney University to abuse me when I spoke there last year. And now I am speaking at her own university, UNSW, next week.

She’s been strangely silent about my impending visit to her university but now, finally, she is showing her hand. Firstly, her organisation held a protest against my visit last Thursday – which proved rather a fizzer with very few turning up. But word is that she is gathering support from activists at other universities to make their presence felt at my talk next week.

It’s good to see my old alma mater has been demonstrating their free speech credentials by not giving in to these activists’ attempts to prevent my talk from happening.

The talk will be held  at 6.00 pm on Tues Sept 24 at Old Main Building G31,  Kensington Campus. Note there has been a recent change of venue following a review by UNSW security but don’t worry. We are assured there will be plenty of security officers present and no need for concerns about safety. I’m hoping many of my supporters will come along.


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