Help promote my #MenToo Tour

I am embarking on a national speaking tour, starting next month in Queensland, speaking about what is really happening to men and boys in this increasingly anti-male society.

I’ll be speaking about the very real problems confronting men and boys – rising male suicide rates, boys failing in schools, fathers ruined by family law battles, facing false allegations and denied contact with children, trivial #Metoo allegations destroying men’s careers.

My speaking tour aims to reach out to people concerned about these issues. Mothers worried about their sons. Men and women alarmed that so many laws, rules and regulations now favour women at the expense of men. The aim is to provide the opportunity for people to come together for an honest discussion, with a lengthy Q&A session to encourage proper debate about important issues which are often silenced in our society.

We have three Queensland venues booked in for October:

Sunshine Coast – Monday October 7.

Mackay – Wednesday October 9

Townsville – Friday October 11.

All the details of times, venues etc are on Fanforce, the organisation which is helping me make this all happen.

Fanforce is an organisation that normally helps people host movies in their local areas but this time is helping promote my tour.

See the wonderful promo that Fanforce has put together promoting the tour. Please circulate that video to help me promote the tour or you can use the Facebook post here.

We really need people to buy tickets now. We require good sales by the end of the month for the events to happen. Please support this important means of spreading the word about the plight of men and boys.

What’s happened to the presumption of innocence in Australia?

Join our historic conference showing equality before the law no longer exists in this country.

Learn the true facts – from legal experts, law professors, statisticians, whistleblowers - exposing how ideology has captured our justice system.

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