Blog articles
Housework beat-up shortchanges men’s labour
Cheeky title for my new YouTube video today: Men Work, Women
April 9, 2019
Retired police chief inspector exposes the DV restraining order racket
I am very excited about my recent video interview with a
April 2, 2019
Believe-the-victim justice forces UWA student out of college
I’m tackling serious stuff in my YouTube video this week –
March 26, 2019
Man-Hating and the Grievance Studies Hoax.
I have just released a new YouTube video, an interview with
March 13, 2019
Petition to fire sexist expert from Marriage at First Sight
I’m delighted to see the fuss which has broken over the
February 15, 2019
Don’t let the wicked witches win!
What a lonely job, working the phones at a college rape
February 11, 2019
Feminist meltdown over radio interviews
I have been doing some fun radio interviews about #MenToo in
January 25, 2019
Sarah Jane Parkinson jailed for false rape accusations
Big news. For years I have been following a terrible case
January 18, 2019
Why I interviewed a convicted sex offender
Last weekend Sixty Minutes attacked me for an interview I did
November 13, 2018
Amanda Stoker targets Sydney University
We are really excited about our new video, featuring Senator Amanda
October 30, 2018
Sydney Uni Trouble-Makers
Fascinating developments regarding the action I have taken against key organisers
October 11, 2018
No venue for my Sydney University talk
Last month La Trobe University tried to ban me from talking
September 2, 2018