Blog articles

Mark Latham fights feminism and identity politics
Finally I have produced a new video where you will see

Sexual consent courses spell trouble for men
My new video warns about new sexual consent courses teaching girls

Duluth DV re-education programme – one man’s amazing story
My new YouTube video features a Victorian man, Igor Rogov, who

Janice Fiamengo – men’s rights crusader and English professor
I finally managed to interview Janice Fiamengo this week after various

Housework beat-up shortchanges men’s labour
Cheeky title for my new YouTube video today: Men Work, Women

Retired police chief inspector exposes the DV restraining order racket
I am very excited about my recent video interview with a

Believe-the-victim justice forces UWA student out of college
I’m tackling serious stuff in my YouTube video this week –

Man-Hating and the Grievance Studies Hoax.
I have just released a new YouTube video, an interview with
Petition to fire sexist expert from Marriage at First Sight
I’m delighted to see the fuss which has broken over the

Don’t let the wicked witches win!
What a lonely job, working the phones at a college rape

Feminist meltdown over radio interviews
I have been doing some fun radio interviews about #MenToo in

Sarah Jane Parkinson jailed for false rape accusations
Big news. For years I have been following a terrible case
Why I interviewed a convicted sex offender
Last weekend Sixty Minutes attacked me for an interview I did