Mothers of Sons Launch

Exciting news about an event coming up this week. You are all invited to the launch of Mothers of Sons – a new initiative by mothers speaking out about the injustice experienced by their sons. I think this is a great idea and I’m delighted that I have been given all the information to share with you.

The official launch of Mothers of Sons will take place via a Facebook live event from 7.00pm AEDT on Monday 1 February 2021.

Here’s the link you use to join the event –

And here’s the link for their website:

Please circulate this to everyone who might be interested in learning more about this new effort to fight for fair treatment for men and boys.

You may remember two years ago I made a video interviewing a young man, Dan Jones, who had spent five years fighting off false rape and violence accusations, which eventually led to his accuser, Sara Jane Parkinson, being sent to prison. Later that year Dan’s story featured on an hour-long 60 Minute TV special.

Following the program, the family was swamped with mail from families fighting similar battles, including many from mothers whose sons were in the firing line. Michelle Jones, Dan’s mother, started corresponding with some of the mothers and eventually this led to the idea of an organization using women, mothers, speaking out about what was happening to their sons. Michelle started gathering some of these mothers together and eight months later, the MOS group is ready with their sparkling new website.

Some of them are grandmothers unable to see their grandchildren due to the failure of the Family Court to enforce their sons’ contact orders. Others have spent their life savings helping their sons fight legal battles over false allegations, watching their sons driven to despair by the bias against them.

You may have read about Jo Thomson Jones’ tragic story. Her three-year-old granddaughter was murdered by her mother after the woman was told by a Family Court judge that she had lost custody to Jo’s son, Nathan.

Many of the other mothers who share their stories have been forced to remain anonymous for fear their sons’ accusers will make more trouble for their sons. But you can read their stories and listen to their podcasts.

The whole project has been a huge labour of love, with many talented people contributing their skills to ensure the MOS mothers are ready to make waves.

But they need your help in making sure people can find the website. Please promote it in every way you can.


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