Religion, Sex and Politics – ABC TV Q&A

Religion, Sex and Politics – ABC TV Q&A
Thursday 19 March, 2009

Alcohol and drinking culture took centre stage on viewers’ minds. No doubt prompted by the ongoing Senate debates, people wondered about the viability of such a tax. Will it really wipe out Australia’s underage drinking culture? Should we think about moving the legal drinking age to 21? What about taxing hard liquor? And, why not ban alcohol advertising at sporting events?

Religion was also on the agenda. Panel guest Father Peter Kennedy attracted questions about the role of the Catholic Church in modern society. Where do same sex couples fit it? Should abortion be allowed? And what about condoms, should the Catholic Church continue to denounce their use with AIDS rife throughout Africa.

Tax, the economy and environment continued to interest Q&A viewers. Also of interest, education and the internet filter.

Please note, to collate this graph we have counted only the questions submitted by the audience via sms and the web during the program.

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