Grilling Robbie Buck and Tim Rosso about male sexuality

What Men Really Want
Bettina Arndt talks with Tim Ross & Robbie Buck
Published 25 February 2013

WARNING: This session contains sexual references.

Bettina Arndt, well known writer and commentator on sexual issues, has set up this session she’s named What Men Really Want.

She’s persuaded Tim Ross, formerly half of the radio duo, Merrick and Rosso, and Robbie Buck, formerly Triple J and currently Radio National music man, to take part and she grills them on some intimate aspects of their lives.

And here, they’re naive, brave and foolish enough to chat nervously about their sex lives, former girlfriends and their wives.

You don’t find out a whole lot about what men really want — but it makes for good viewing!

This edition was filmed at the Customs House Library in Sydney as part of the City of Sydney’s Late Night Library program. For more information head to the libraries page here.

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