Shame on Mission Australia

Recently Australia spoke out against Lifeline’s decision to include the anti-male feminist crusader Clementine Ford in a domestic violence forum. Nearly 15,000 signed a protest petition and the event was cancelled.

Now we are taking on Mission Australia for their new homeless campaign which features a frightened woman and her child escaping a violent man. Mission Australia knows all too well that domestic violence involves violent women as well as men – as acknowledged on their website.

Last week Ross Cameron, one of the popular co-hosts of Sky News’ The Outsiders programme suggested that the Mission Australia campaign is motivated by a desire to benefit from ‘the tsunamis of cash heading their way from the Commonwealth government” – that’s the money paid out to organisations choosing to virtue-signal by conforming to the feminist script pretending that only men perpetrate domestic violence.

And as Ross Cameron pointed out there’s no evidence that any of this money actually reduces domestic violence. He urges Australia not to support this misguided campaign: “I say, if you’ve got a spare $10 in your pocket don’t waste it on Mission Australia.”

I’m now launching a petition asking Mission Australia to cancel this anti-male campaign and tell the truth about family violence. Please go to my YouTube channel to see my video, telling you all about it.

If you go to you can find my petition by looking for bettina-arndt-mission-australia-fails-children-by-ignoring-violent-mothers.

In the information with the petition I’ve summarised evidence showing that that children in violent families are just as likely to be cowering from their mothers as their fathers. Most family violence is two-way violence, involving women as well as men.

Help our campaign by signing our petition censoring Mission Australia for failing to protect children by denying the truth of what is happening in violent homes.

It’s important that this is not just seen as a men’s issue. Men and women must stand up against this blatant disregard for the needs of children in violent homes as well as the dire situation of male victims whose very existence is totally ignored.

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