Online Dating

Bettina is no longer involved in online dating coaching. After five years of working with over 300 clients, she decided to move on to other issues. She is leaving articles and other material on her website which might be useful for people starting out on online dating.

See Bettina speak on the sociology of online dating at the Sydney Institute and talking on Today Extra about how she met her partner online.

Dating Articles

Bettina has written many articles about online dating. Here’s a selection:

Online Dating and the New Pre-romance Culture

Online dating isn’t really about dating at all but rather a wonderful means of connecting with all sorts of possibilities – a pre-romance culture which creates opportunities for budding romances to emerge down the track. Read full story

Elusive second dates

Most online daters have many first dates that don’t go anywhere. What can we do to increase our chances of a second bite at the cherry? Read full story

The Three Month Itch

Over the festive season thousands of Australians will fall in love, often with people they meet online. But plenty of these matches are destined not to last the distance – not because they are holiday romances but simply because most early courtships don’t work out. Many fall victim to the three-month itch. Read full story

Sex and older singles

What happens when an ageing baby boomers finds themselves suddenly single? The answer for many is plenty of action between the sheets. The current generation of seniors is no blushing bunch of old fogies ready to hang up their spurs. This is the baby boomer generation which came of age during the sexual revolution. Read full story

Peter and Lieselotte met Online Dating
Peter Leith, 84, and Lieselotte Achilles, 80, met on online dating website RSVP.
High Fidelity
“Does titanium tremble?” Yes, it was an unusual start to an online dating profile. Read Bettina’s article, high fidelity about the online dating profile that led to Bettina’s retirement from online dating.

Love across the ages

Looking for love online is exploding in popularity across all generations. But the huge numbers mean some people are being swamped with attention while others struggle to be noticed. Read full story

Sex therapist seeking love

I found myself 57 and single, after a 20-year marriage. I certainly wasn’t looking for the love of my life – just some cheerful male company. Internet dating came up with the goods, leading to great friendships and a sizzling romance or two. Read full story

Never mind Sally, Harry hasn’t met anyone

“All the men are broke!” the older divorced women complain, as they nervously protect their nest eggs. Read full story

Right Click for Love

This gentle, cheerful man had been struggling unsuccessfully with online dating for over two years when I first started working with him. One look at his profile and you could see why. That photo – oh dear, talk about a bad, thinning hair day! And as for the half-head of the blond woman standing next to him – that’s a real no, no. Read full story


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