Stop Sarah Jane Parkinson getting early parole

Some news about the Sarah Jane Parkinson case. You may remember that Parkinson was sent to prison in January for false rape allegations she made against Dan Jones. I made a video with Dan and Sixty Minutes did a whole programme on her outrageous attempt to destroy Dan and his family.

The latest development is that Parkinson has applied for early parole and has requested she is transferred to the NSW Parole Board for administration, which means she will be close to her boyfriend, the crooked NSW cop who helped with her vicious campaign.

At the time of the parole hearing on September 3 she will have served only 8 months of her two-year non-parole period. As a result of her lies, Dan spent four months in jail plus three months home arrest and the family spent over $300,000 on legal fees defending their son.

The ACT Department of Public Prosecution has written expressing concern about her parole application, noting she has a history of manipulating the system. But I hope many of you will help alert the public to what is happening here. Canberra people can help by writing to local newspapers, lobbying MPs, and ringing radio stations.

It’s worth trying to get the word out through social media. Perhaps also write to the ACT Attorney General, Gordon Ramsay – – who claims publicly to be working with the Jones family regarding compensation for wrongful imprisonment but fails to respond to any of their correspondence.

The Jones family has legal help to pursue Dan’s case for compensation, but no decision has yet been made in relation to the ex-gratia payment from the ACT Government.

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