Help make sure the Family Law Inquiry exposes the real issues

I’ve been posting a bunch of news stories on my social media about the strenuous efforts of feminists to try to close down the upcoming Family Court Inquiry. It just shows how desperate they are to hide the truth which hopefully will emerge, particularly during public hearings, about the rampant use of false violence and sexual abuse allegations and related perjury issues, as well as the failure of the Court to enforce contact orders – which are the issues that interest me the most.

I recently visited Canberra and had very helpful meetings with many of the key players involved in the inquiry and have promised to do everything I can to try to make sure good people are making submissions and appearing before the committee.

Make submissions

The first job is to get everyone who has solid evidence about these issues to make a submission.

Here’s the link you need to use – Please get moving. The closing date for submissions is December 18, 2019.

We are trying hard to ensure personal stories are given precedence over the legal groups and women’s organisations which dominated previous inquiries. But we also want sensible, persuasive experts willing to expose what is going on here.

Spread the word.

If you know people who have stories that should be heard, or professionals/experts who could provide solid evidence on these issues, please try to get them to make submissions.

We need some solid cases where false allegations were exposed in the Family Court or where the Court failed to enforce orders. If you are in that situation, please make a submission where you make it clear you have concrete evidence to show the allegations were false.

Do you need help making your submission?

We are going to try to assist anyone who finds the submission process difficult. My key researcher, Irene, is happy to help you put together the information you need for the form. Contact her here if you need assistance.

If we get swamped, we might need backup for Irene. If you are good at writing summaries of complex cases, please get in touch.

I’ll also be going through the hundreds of emails I have received from people reporting on family court battles, looking for suitable cases, and contacting those people to persuade them to get involved.

Appearing before the Committee.

If you feel you have good evidence and are willing to appear before the committee, you need to indicate this in your submission. It may be possible to do so in a private session, if you need to be anonymous.

The Committee will be travelling to all major cities and some rural/regional areas. I might be able to do a crowd-funder to provide support to key people who need to travel to attend committee meetings.

If you feel you are a suitable candidate to appearing before the committee, please send a copy of your submission to this address. We will be alerting key committee members who can ensure some of these people get a hearing.  

Write to committee members

The parliamentary committee members are a mixed bag but hopefully the numbers are there to ensure a decent result. It would be great if you could write to the ones more likely to be sympathetic – particularly if you know them – making the case that the quiet Australians are applauding exposure of these important issues. Please also tell them to make sure that the legal organisations and women’s groups don’t crowd out important stories from ordinary people.

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