Ball tamper regularly!

I’ve had fun this week making a video about the great ball tampering scandal.

For those of you overseas who don’t know what this is all about, Australia has been transfixed over the few weeks because our national cricket team was caught out trying to rough up the ball which allows for greater spin and more chance of the opposition players getting out. It’s all been a big drama, with young men’s careers being derailed and rightful anger over this slur on the gentleman’s sport.

But what was funny was our television sets absolutely fixated on men’s crotches, men with their hands rummaging deep in their trousers, men playing with balls. Talking to my producer Scott Korman about all this we had an inspiration. This month, April, is testicular cancer awareness month and I had already been planning to make a video telling people we need to et serious about this important issue.

How wonderful to turn this overblown sporting scandal into a means of encouraging men to tamper with their balls and save young men’s lives.

So that’s just what we did – with a wonderful little video, only 30 seconds long, encouraging men ball tamper very regularly. I also have made a longer, main video explaining more about testicular cancer which is linked to this teaser.

Here’s the stand-alone version which doesn’t link to my main video – in case you prefer that. (My main video has some pretty explicit bits and pieces in it, so you might choose your audience for that one!)

Now I want to encourage all of you to please help get this message out and here is why:

Testicular cancer is rare but it can be a very aggressive cancer, particularly affecting young men. The cancer has a very good survival rate, but far too many young men are dying because they won’t check themselves nor go to doctors if they notice something different about their balls. How shocking that this rare disease ends up the second common cancer killing men under 40 in Australia simply because we do such a lousy job getting men to look after themselves.