Relationship Australia WA Board members and Protest Letters

Here are the email addresses of the board members. We’d like you to write protest letters to any or all of these people.

Relationship Australia WA Board members

President – Chris Lewis – no email address is currently available. Please let us know if you find one for him.

Anthony Dobbs (VP) –
Noelene Jennings –
Lucy Bourne –
Luke McNiece –
Lisa Wood –
Alan Wright –

Also we gather some of the following email addresses are bouncing back. Please click here for the Federal office contact if you aren’t getting through to Board Members.

Draft for protest letters

This draft letter below includes points you might like to raise in your protest letters. Obviously individually crafted letters are preferable, but Bettina thought it might be helpful to have a framework to use. Note this draft letter is designed primarily for board members of RAWA.

Dear …..

I am writing to you to protest actions taken by the Perth office of Relationships Australia WA in March this year in forcing Rob Tiller out of his job. I gather you are on the board of that organisation and hence I am sure you will be concerned to learn about inappropriate and unfair management decisions being made by your senior executives.

Tiller was an experienced, well-regarded counsellor prior to his forced resignation from RAWA. He was the only male counsellor working in that office and now the entire counselling staff is female. It is quite extraordinary that an organisation claiming to offer relationship counselling would show such gender bias.

Rob Tiller is now taking action with the Fair Work Commission alleging unfair dismissal by Relationships Australia. The basis of this action was that Tiller had circulated an article by Bettina Arndt, already published in a national newspaper, which presented the latest official statistics and research on domestic violence. Tiller posted this article on his private Facebook page and then discussed it in an email exchange with his professional men’s network. He also posted a few cartoons about feminism on the same site.

Tiller was then told by your senior management that he had to “resign or be fired” because his views conflicted with the “feminist framework” underpinning the organisation’s official domestic violence policy.

I wish to protest that your government-funded body is promoting a “feminist framework” denying women’s role in family violence which runs counter to official statistics and the main body of international research.

I find it very concerning that senior managers of your organisation would force an experienced counsellor to resign for purely ideological reasons, without proper warnings and even denying him the opportunity to end his relationship with long-term clients.

I ask that proper action is taken to reprimand your managers for acting in such a prejudicial manner. It is immensely damaging to the reputation of your organisation to permit this unprofessional conduct by your management.

Their decision has also exposed the grip of feminist ideology on your organisation which already suffers a reputation for not giving male clients a proper hearing.

I await news as to what action you and your fellow board members propose to take to respond to this very public scandal.

Yours Sincerely,